A sample of our scans from a 35mm slide on EPN film of a Kodak color test chart.
Click on the small picture to load the full size image.
     The full slide scanned at 500 dpi (676x441 pixels - 102kb).
     The full slide scanned at 1000 dpi (1353x883 pixels - 335kb).
     A 676x441 portion of the slide scanned at 1000 dpi (123kb).
     The full slide scanned at 2000 dpi (2706x1767 pixels - 1,446kb).
     A 676x441 portion of the slide scanned at 2000 dpi (136kb).
     The full slide scanned at 4000 dpi (5413x3535 pixels - 5,982kb).
     A 676x441 portion of the slide scanned at 4000 dpi (139kb).
Sample scans from a 35mm negative made on Kodak Royal Gold film of a Kodak color test chart.
Click on the small picture to load the full size image.
     The full negative scanned at 1861x1229 pixels (225kb).
     A 676x424 portion of the negative scanned at 1861x1229 pixels (28kb).
Sample scans from a 35mm negative made from an Ektachrome slide of a Kodak color test chart. We're not quite sure why anyone would want to do this, but we had given it a try and thought you might be interested in seeing it!
Click on the small picture to load the full size image.
     The full negative scanned at 902x615 pixels (81kb).
     A 676x424 portion of the negative scanned at 902x615 pixels (48kb).
Reflective scans from the Kodak color test chart used in the above slides.
Click on the small picture to load the full size image.
     The full chart scanned on a flatbed scanner at 300dpi (503kb).
     A 2299x1533 portion of the chart scanned at 1200dpi (135kb).
A scan of the Kodak color test chart using an adapter which lets you scan film on a scanner usually used for reflective art.
Click on the small picture to load the full size image.
The full slide was scanned on a flatbed scanner at 300dpi (36kb). Note that it is difficult to properly align the slide, the colors are muddy, and the scan lacks sharpness. We do not offer this type of scan. This is the type of scan you might be able to do for yourself inexpensively.
Photographic Specialties is no longer producing slides and transparencies. I have been self-employed for 35 years, but looking forward to retirement since my wife died five years ago. With the decline of conventional photography and the recent recession, the availability of film and chemicals as well as the volume of work has declined to such an extent that it is no longer possible to have fresh chemicals to develop film. I hope that if you still need conventional slides and transparencies, you will be able to find someone who can produce them for you. Thank you for your orders over the years.